V. The Willower <persname>Georg Gross</persname>.
He was born <date>1688 the 25 of Jan</date>. at <placename>Swindrazheim</placename>
in <placename>Alsacia</placename>, where his Parents were Farmers. His good
Parents did all in their Power to give him a Christian
like Education, sent him to <sic>Shool</sic> <corr>School</corr> & impressd
themselves in him the fundament of the protestant
Religion. By his first Communion, he was <sic>extreamly</sic> <corr>extremely</corr>
touched in his Heart, but had no Power to resist
his Inclination & could not fulfill his <sic>Promiss</sic> <corr>Promise</corr>;
The Fear for <unclear>Gott</unclear> however very often kept him back from
Sins. A<hi rend="superscript">o</hi>. <date>1705</date> he was put out as Apprentice to a
<sic>Shumaker</sic> <corr>Shoemaker</corr> & became Master himself A<hi rend="superscript">o</hi>. <date>1712</date>. In the
mean Time
[page break]
mean time he very