of this Outpost; but he advised them to <sic>bak</sic> <corr>back</corr> to
<placename>Turin</placename> & get there Leave, & they instead to give
'em Leave, sent them a Order which route they
have to take on their return home again.
A<hi rend="superscript">o</hi>. <date>1745</date>. Our B<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. ventured a second time to <sic>visite</sic> <corr>visit</corr>
the Valeys Vallies, he toock took his route through France, &
by that means visited <placename>Sion</placename>, <placename>Orange</placename>, <placename>Marseille</placename>, <placename>Nimes</placename>
every where of them Places he wittnesses of the
Power of the Blood of Christ & found <sic>especialy</sic> <corr>especially</corr> at <placename>Marseille</placename>
& <placename>Nimes</placename> hungry Hearts to hear the Gospel of their
Redemptions which he <sic>deliverd</sic> <corr>delivered</corr> w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. great Freedom.
By this Occassion he had the Pleasure to <sic>met</sic> <corr>meet</corr> <persname>B</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname>.
Nolbek</persname> at <placename>Marseille</placename> on his retour from <placename>Algier</placename>
& was to him of real Service. From thence he
proceedeth & was on his Road wonderfully preserved
by our Saviour, then as he was walking in the
dark of Night over a <unclear>Shmal</unclear> Bridge fell down
a Story high on a whole Bank of Steep Rocks
without any Damage. In the <date>Month of April</date>
left <placename>France</placename> & <sic>carryed</sic> <corr>carried</corr> on his Journey <unclear>oue</unclear> <unclear><placename>Genua</placename></unclear>
<placename>Turin</placename> & <placename>Susa</placename> & arrived happily into the <sic>Valleys</sic> <corr>Vallies</corr>.