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& concluded with a Prayer. I had the first
melting Impression of the Passion of Jesus
at singing <add>once</add> these Words: O Lord let me find Grace
&c. <gap>  </gap>I must weep thereby, & my Mother perceiving
this, explained unto us the Matter of Jesus
Christ our Mediator, who took upon himself
all our Sins & Iniquities out of inexpressible
Love & has suffered therefore the bitter Death
on the Cross. From my 5<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">th</hi></hi> Year I was sent
in the <add>to</add> School<gap></gap> In the Year <date>1726</date> I enjoyed
for the first time the Lords Supper, with
an holy & awful Trembling.
About this Time I experienced a particular Re-
servation of God. I was ringing the large Church-
Bell with another Boy, all at once the Rope fell
down upon my Bed <add>Head</add>, & cast me down through the
Hole two Stories upon the Stones <hi rend="superscript">so</hi> that I was brought
home as dead. But I recovered soon. The Hurt
which I suffered thereby was not of so long & pain-
ful Consequences as another, which I have expe-
rienced by the Seductions of another Boy.
Till now, I had been in a simple & childlike Con-
versation with our Savior; for when I had grieved 
him with Lightmindedness, Disobedience or such

[page break]

Things, I had no Rest, till I <add>either</add><add></add> alone or with 
my Sister fell down before our Saviour, prayed
for & felt his Pardon. The Poison of Sin had indeed
well been within me; but now I experienced the
Death <add>Agony</add> & Distress, which it <hi rend="superscript">causeth </hi>makes in the Heart. 
For through I resisted <add>it</add> with all my Power, yet
I must <add>had to</add> perceive from Time to Time its Dominion
& my Inability. Thereby I came <add>thereby</add> in an anxious 
Situation, but sometimes experienced Comforts
of our Savior, & received the Assurance, that
I should not be lost. In the Year <date>1728</date> I went
to <placename>Schlaiz</placename> on the <add>to</add> School, where I was 5 Years
& must <add>had to</add> get my Livelihood by <add><hi rend="superscript">teaching</hi></add>  instructing Children, in 
writing & Music. My <add>outward</add> Poverty with the Fear for of
Shame retained <add>kept</add> me from many Excesses. Other
Men thought <add>that</add> I was religious, & I must <add>had to</add> suffer many
Mockeries from my Fellow Disciples <add>Scholars</add>, who called
me a Pietist. In <date>June 1733</date> I went with 22
Ryksdollars upon the <placename>University at Lepzick <add>s</add></placename>, 
received a Pension of 30 Ryksdollars yearly,
& at the End of the Year free Boarding, for
which benefit I thanked God heartily.
In the Year <date>1735 in April</date>, a Student sitting <add>who sat</add> next
me, dying suddenly was <add>proved</add> the Occasion, that 
I was stirred up anew in my Heart, considering