
From Moravian Transcriptions
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Departed Oct 11,1756
Hannah Clark was born the second of December 1727 in a North Durham near Halifax. In the Year 1743 she  heard the Gospel preached for the first
Time by the Brethren, by which means our dear Savior drew near her Heart
and Seized hwe in Such a Manner that She could not rest till She
was joined to that People, who make Him their all in all,tho She
thought herself almost unworthy of that Favour, and had scarecly the
Courage to desire Such a Thing, She being naturally of a bashful Disposition;
however being encouraged by her Sisters, who also had attended
Preaching at the Same Time, She was Soon after received into Halifax
Society.. In the Year 1748 She came to live in the Single Sisters
Aeconomy, which  was then at Cleckheaton, where in the Beginning She seemed to be pretty much unsettled; however in Process of Time, her Heart
becoming more and more aequainted with our Saviour, She was quite at home.
In the Year 50 She moved with the Rest of the Sisters there to Tiresal-hall,
where she enjoyed a still greater Blessing for her Heart and got a great

Desire and Longing to be received into the Congregati       which was granted
her on the 12th of January 1752; in going to Gracehall on that Day She made great Haste,contrary to her custom (for she used always to be one of the last;) the Sisters taking Notice thereof, asked her the
Day following, why she  had been in Such a great Hurry,O! sayed she,