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on the other; and where I might escape the
snares and temptations that seemed to thicken a=
=round me, and with which I was too weak to
contend. I have before observed, that meetings were
held at our house on Sundays, and the Holy Com=
=munion administered every 4 weeks. this bless=
=ed ordinance <emotion>I trembled to approach</emotion> and con=
=tinually resolved to absent my self from it; but
a monitor within prevented me and would not
suffer me to keep my self away. It may be won=
=dered at by some, that in the state of mind I
have described, I could venture to partake of
the Lords Holy supper, but I verily believe it
to be one of those peculiar mercies which ought
to be recorded by me with the warmest gra=
=titude; for every approaching celebration led me
to self examination, and <emotion>compelled me to cry
to Him,</emotion> who was able to deliver me from
this bondage in which I was held by the
world and sin, and to speak pardon and peace
to my troubled heart. This He did, blessed
be His name! when the favor was least ex=
=pected, so that I was constrained to own,
<emotion>with tears of Joy,</emotion> "it is good for me to be
here! Another circumstance in the chain
of events at this peculiarly trying period of
my life I have ever considered a particular 
blessing. The Minister, who, served in this
small part of the Congregation was an old