all in his power for my comfort. _
May our Saviour bless him abendant[?]
-ly for his kind attention to all my
concerns. _ I would still observe
that with regard to our Son & Daughter,
who both are employed as teachers
in our Boarding Schools, that I
ardently wish that they may give
their whole heart to our Saviour,
& he truly impress'd with his re=
-deeming love, and be enabled
to devote themselves to his service
in what ever way they may be
employed. _ Their prosperity lies
very near my heart, And I trust
my poor prayers will be heard in
their behalf._ I have to grieve
over much mispent time, In seeing
many faults in others, & in not deal-
-ing so faithfully with my own
heart, by passing over things in
myself, which ought to have brought
me to the feet of a crucified Saviour
with penitential tears, and to have
sought forgiveness with him. _
I am indeed <sic>thankfull</sic> <corr>thankful</corr>, that my