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of God. This caus'd me great Concern. I pray'd and Sigh Shew me
thy ways O Lord that I may <sic>walth</sic>  <corr>walkth</corr> in thy Truth! He answerd me I will
direct thee and shew the way thou shalt go, I will guide thee with my
Eyes. About this time there was a great awakning at <add><placename>Oderwitz</placename></add> which
I would fain have joind, but at first, fear of Man gave me much
trouble, yet I was convinced in my heart that I should find what
I sought. I went to <placename>Berthrelsdorff</placename> and heard <persname>Pastor Rothe</persname> preach
|:which I had done once before:| and in his Sermon he gave me
such a plain description of my State of Soul as tho I had before
told him of it. And now the <sic>perscecution</sic>  <corr>persecution</corr> began which did not
<unclear>semify</unclear> me, I felt peculiar Grace in my heart, and had I remaind
in my Simplicity, I should have avoided many a heavy hour
But instead of that I came into self Workings, I went to the Parson
and told him my whole State he often told me I was in the right
way I should only pray to God to bring me further in his Grace 
but no sooner did he see that I conversed with souls who were
convinced how wrong their former Life had been then he indea  endea
=vourd to hinder me all he could. The Meetings at <placename>Oderwitz</placename>
was forbidden, and a great Number was Arrested and taken to
<placename>Zittau</placename>. As I was much concern'd about these people I went a
few days after to enquire <sic>wether</sic>  <corr>whether</corr> they were set at Liberty or
not. Just as I came to <persname>Gottlieb Webers</persname> House 2 Men laid
hold of me and would carry me before a Justice, not knowing

for what cause, I refused to comply, they broke their Sticks
over my head and so evil intreated me that I fell to the Earth
without <sic>Sensce</sic>  <corr>Sense</corr> or Motion, a Number of People being gatherd the
Men made off, as soon as I came to myself my first thought
was:Lord forgive them. I went home and felt very happy
The Next day I could scarce hold up my Head for Pain. I now
<sic>keept</sic>  <corr>kept</corr> quiet at home and only went now and then to Church
some time after the Lord of the Place sent an Officer to bring me
before him and ask'd me, <sic>wether</sic>  <corr>whether</corr> I acknowledged the Articles

[page break]

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