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that saild from hence to <placename>Bergen</placename> in <placename>Norway</placename>, we lost all we had and was
Obliged to beg our Bread, till we could get on board another Vessel.
I came almost Naked to <placename>London</placename>, where I met with a Merchant who
tok me with him to <placename>Greifwalde</placename>- In our way to <placename>Stralsund</placename> we was
Obliged to cast our Leading overboard, and had no rest Night nor day.
After we came to <placename>Stralsund</placename>, I stay'd there the winter over, but my
wicked Life soon brought me into Prison. After I had been 4 Weeks
confin'd, and reflected on my wrteched state, My hard heart broke &
and I fell into despair, yea I would fain have put an end to my Life.
I resolv'd to turn Soldier, but no One would take me because I was
too Wicked for them. Upon this I ran away from <placename>Stralsund</placename> to <placename>Anelam</placename> In a
deep snow, without a coat to my Body, or a shoe on my feet. I bargaind
with a Captain of a <sic>Vesel</sic>  <corr>Vessel</corr> to sail in his ship, and offerd to work for
him tell the Vessel sail'd, but he was afriad of me, and took me to
be a thief and a <sic>Murtherer</sic>  <corr>Murderer</corr>, yet when I honestly told him how it had
gone with me, He <sic>keept</sic>  <corr>kept</corr> me out of Compassion tell the Vessel saild,
when we went to <placename>Danzig</placename>. Here I came among the Seperatists who
advised me to become Religious, telling me I was lost, if I continued my
present way of Life, which was my own thoughts. Coming a [2]<hi rend="superscript">d</hi> time
to <placename>Danzig</placename> I log'd with a pious Menonist, who was a Merchant and who <unclear>hip</unclear>
good Orders in his House. Out of kindness he offerd me his House, and
as I could write and keep Accounts would have employ'd me in his Home
but my Love to the sea, made me refuse his offers, Notwithstanding he
endeavour'd to <sic>diswade</sic>  <corr>dissuade</corr> me, and represented a Seamans Life very wicked.
Finding I was not be prevaild on to change my Mind, he <sic>recomended</sic>  <corr>recommended</corr> me
to the good Captains at <placename>Shettin</placename> and <placename>Konigsberg</placename>. But finding them
saild at my <sic>Arival</sic>  <corr>Arrival</corr> at <placename>Shettin</placename>, I went with Another who pretended
to much goodness, but I found him quite otherwise when we came
out to sea. The Pious Clergy at <placename>Konigsberg</placename>, often made me restless
and uneasy, I grew very Anxious concerning my situation, not only
the Law, but my own wicked heart condem'd me, yea the very Stones
in the Street seemd to Cry out against me, yea I was in my Own Eye=
=sight the <unclear>Seum</unclear> of all Mankind. In this situation I came to <placename>Shettin</placename>
and was bruoght to <persname>Pastor Sehinmeyer</persname>, he employ'd <add>me</add> in teaching the
Children at the free School, till the Orphan House he was then

[page break]

Building was finish'd In to which I was also Admitted, here I was thoroughly
Awakened, and under such Concern for my Salvation, that I was day &
Night at Prayers, so that my knees swell'd from constant kneeling.
I fasted often and shed thousands of tears for my Past Sins. In this
Distress our Saviour drew so near my heart, that it was to me as <sic>tho</sic>  <corr>though</corr> I saw
Him Bodily and embraced him. Yet I could not be at Rest, <sic>untell</sic>  <corr>until</corr> He
gave me the Certainty of His Forgiveness of my Sins, and Grace in his
Blood. My unbelief often caused doubts, and finding all manner of
Evil dwelling in me, I began to strive against <gap>[Lyide]</gap> but all in Vain.
this <sic>weakned</sic>  <corr>weakened</corr> my Body greatly and I fell sick, neither did I recover <sic>untill</sic>  <corr>until</corr>
our Saviour gave me to feel his grace, which was a great Consolation
to me. After staying here a year and a half, I receivd a call to <placename>Landsberg</placename> on the
Water Where I taught in the Orphan House. From here I was call'd to
<placename>Zillichau</placename> where I saw the first Brn: from <placename>Herrnhuth</placename>, at my return to
<placename>Landsberg</placename> I receiv'd an Invitation to the Orphan House at <placename>Herrnhuth</placename>,
but had no Inclination to accept it. But receiving a second Invitation
and being advised not to decline the offer, but to follow Gods wink, I went.
At the first things did not go well with me, for I attaind not that
for which I came, and I could not forgo the <unclear>Comdious</unclear> Life I had been
used to, and suit my self to a poor way of Living. After staying there
half a Year I went to <placename>Sorace</placename>, and from thence to <placename>Chrishanstadt</placename>, where
I <sic>staid</sic>  <corr>stayed</corr> some time, and then pursued my Course to <placename>Stralsund</placename>, where I
found One of my Relations Living, who offerd me her House: But as
I was no longer of the World, our Friendship was soon at an end. At
<placename>Dargam</placename> I often visited the Awakened Souls, and the Clergy made
much of me. One of them took me to the Princess, to whom I gave 
an account of my Awakenining, and likewise some Information of
<placename>Herrnhuth</placename>. The next day she made me the offer of her Service, and
While I took the Matter into Consideration, I often held Meetings which
the Princess and her Court attended. But a New <sic>Minester</sic>  <corr>Minister</corr> coming
from <placename>Wernigerode</placename>, brought the Princess so many falsehoods from
<placename>Herrnhuth</placename>, that It was given me to understand I should depart:
upon which I went into <placename>Prusian Pomerania</placename>, and became Preceptor
to a Clergymans Children, <sic>keept</sic>  <corr>kept</corr> Meetings and had many <unclear>hea[???]</unclear>.
Complaints was soon made to the Regency and the Clergy Examined