From this Time I had very often the <sic>Happyness</sic> <corr>Happiness</corr>
to feel his blessed Nearness, & discoverd very well
his <sic>gratious</sic> <corr>gracious</corr> Intention to make me a quite happy
Child, but I myself stood in the Way then I was <sic>allways</sic> <corr>always</corr>
a working & doing & so spoild the blessed Work of
the holy Ghost. In this Time I <sic>feeld</sic> <corr>felt</corr> a Calling in
my Heart to go to the Congregation in <sic><placename>Germanie</placename></sic><placename> </placename><corr><placename>Germany</placename></corr>,
therefore I went <date>A</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>o</date></hi><date>. 1757.</date> home to take Leave, & then
to set out from thence, however as I came there some
<sic>strugles</sic> <corr>struggles</corr> & reasonings arose in me, but I became restless
it was to me: If I not would go I never would come
to a true Peace. I then resolved w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. 3 more Brethren
to set out & we came <date>58. the 25</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. June</date> at <add>on</add> <placename>Hhuth</placename>.
I was very <sic>thankfull</sic> <corr>thankful</corr> to our Saviour that he brought
me hither & so he directed the Brethren that I got
Leave to stay here. In the first it went very well
me I was <sic>chearfull</sic> <corr>cheerful</corr> & happy in my Heart, but as I could was not firm enough in my <sic>Bussiness</sic> <corr>Business</corr> & could not
think I would ever <sic>lern</sic> <corr>learn</corr> it so as they do at <placename>Hhuth</placename>
I became perplexed & fell in Thoughts to return to
<placename>Coppenhagen</placename> again & therefirst to <sic>lern</sic> <corr>learn</corr> more, then
I would come again. But our Saviour discouraged
me & I found that I should stay. The <date>3</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. of Sept.</date> a.e.
I was received into the Congregation. From this Time
our Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. leadeth me upon the blessed Path of poor
[page break}
<sic>Siners</sic> <corr>Sinners</corr> & bestowed the great Grace upon me that I was
the following Year the <date>17</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. of Sept. July</date> admitted to our
Lords Supper. From thence I went on gladly & could not be <unclear>[?]</unclear> not be <sic>thanckfull</sic> <corr>thankful</corr> enough for my Election.
our Saviour
Sometimes I fell in Thoughts of Going home to our
Saviour, because I had no Ability to any Thing; but
by all them changings of Thoughts I <sic>allways</sic> <corr>always</corr> found
that our Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. gave me Leave to go to the holy Communion,
& I myself found no Obstacles in my Heart which
could retard me. Since <date>Easterday the last Year</date>,
as I was at <placename>Nisky</placename> to see the Congregation, there
I grew sickly & soon after my return a violent
<sic>Pleuresie</sic> <corr>Pleurisy</corr> sized upon me, so that I was in Hope
it would bring me home to our Saviour. I was
very glad & for Gladness my Heart weep'd to him
in my Body, but I revived again. In the <date>Month
of November</date> I got another Attack but not to <sic>myn</sic> <corr>my</corr>
<sic>intented</sic> <corr>intended</corr> Purpose, this made me several melancholic
Thoughts, but our Saviour true as he is remaineth
ever the same to me. (So far his own Account.)
So <sic>thoughtfull</sic> <corr>thoughtful</corr> & easy embarrass'd as he was, because
of his sickly Circumstances, so much the more our
Saviour was <sic>gratious</sic> <corr>gracious</corr> towards him; <sic>especialy</sic> <corr>especially</corr> in
his last Sickness, which begun for about 1 Week
When he begun to be <sic>perplex</sic> <corr>perplexed</corr> then our Saviour comforted
him & brought at last his Heart in such a calm & blessed
Situation, that he like a Child expected that last