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nicated by a Choir-Communion, & seekd & found the
Fault in my own Heart; & when I took myself for
not fit our Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. <sic>allways</sic>  <corr>always</corr> bestowed Mercy on mye & I 
got Leave to <sic>pertake</sic>  <corr>partake</corr> on his holy Sacrament.
<date>A</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>o</date></hi><date>. 1749.</date> The Proposition if I would go to <placename>Hhuth</placename> was
offered to me, which I willingly accepted & arrived here
the <placename>30</placename><hi rend="superscript"><placename>th</placename></hi><placename>. of November</placename>. Here I had a happy Time for my
Heart, but many Schools with my Apprentices, which
caused <add>me</add> many melancholic Hour. <gap></gap> In the Year
<date>1758</date>. <add>I had</add> a new & happy Period for my Heart. I came
under they <unclear>[?]</unclear> Intercessors & the holy Ghost like
a true Mother <sic>signalysed</sic>  <corr>signalized</corr> his Work this Year extra-
ordinary on my Heart, had I only been a obedient
Child! But here I remain in Debt! the <date>4</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. of May</date>

I was a Acoluth receiv<hi rend="superscript">d</hi>. His Nearness must me true!
<date>A</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>o</date></hi><date>. 1759</date>. I had w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. a certain <sic>Officir</sic>  <corr>Officer</corr> much Conversation
because of my <sic>Bussiness</sic>  <corr>Business</corr>, he was so rude & brutal, that
I very often <sic>feeld</sic>  <corr>felt</corr> my <sic>naturell</sic>  <corr>natural</corr> Temper to resist, & this
gave rise to many <sic>sinnerlicke</sic>  <corr>sinnerlike</corr> Confessions before my Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. 
I see by all <add><unclear>mgins</unclear></add> how deep, how very deep my Heart is marred
but for all that climb on my Redeemer as the only Hope
of my <sic>intire</sic>  <corr>entire</corr> Recovery & take my Refuge to his bloody
Wounds, & there I say Lord have Mercy on me!
So far his own Words.
Every Body who <sic>knowd</sic>  <corr>knew</corr> him can <sic>attast </sic> <corr>attest</corr> that he has 
been a Heart in the <sic>Botom</sic>  <corr>Bottom</corr> of his Heart attached to our 

[page break]

Saviour & his Church. He was a true Heart in his
Choir, & <sic>knowed</sic>  <corr>knew</corr> very well that his Heart was in a 
tender <sic>Conexion</sic>  <corr>Connection</corr> w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. our Saviour, & that our Saviour
was contented w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. him; he was of a quick and hot
Temper, & <sic>eomitted</sic>  <corr>emitted</corr> by that Means a Fault in a hurry
but soon recoverd himself & sincerly beggd forgiveness
& was very <sic>Griefed</sic>  <corr>Grieved</corr> about before our Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. Since 
3. Year he was a blessed Labourer in his Choir. This
Year was a Year of Happiness to him, all Festivals of
the Congregation was a real Blessing for his Heart.
About his last Birth-Day the <date>28</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. of Apr.</date> he expressd
himself also: he formerly did <sic>belief </sic> <corr>believe</corr> there was more reason
on such Days to be ashamed as to <sic>rejoyce</sic>  <corr>rejoice</corr> so very
much; but to Day he could <sic>rejoyce</sic>  <corr>rejoice</corr> from all his
Heart, because our Saviour has been extraordinary near
to Him. <date>Last Sunday</date> as he took a Walk with a
Brother he <sic>feeld</sic>  <corr>felt</corr> himself so frosty & said: I believe 
I have a heavy Sickness to expect, & may be our Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>.
will take me to himself; only was this Wish that
he not about <add>over</add> 4 Days must lay sick. This Wish our
Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. granted <sic>punctualy</sic>  <corr>punctually</corr> to him; Then as he th' other
was taken sick by a <sic>Pleuresie</sic>  <corr>Pleurisy</corr>, then his Presumption
took Place that our Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. would take him. By his
<sic>extream</sic>  <corr>extreme</corr> Pain, he was as still & patient like a Lamb.
The 4<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. Day of his Sickness obstructed his Breast &
made the expectoration very difficult for all that
he remaineth alive & nimble according to his Disposition