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In my 7.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> Year of Age My Parents brought me to
<placename>Hhaag</placename> & there I came in the Anstalt, & found myself
here soon at home. I had from Time to Time feelings
in my Heart from our dear Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> & the Children Meetings
have been <sic>allways</sic>  <corr>always</corr> a Blessing for my Heart.
A.<hi rend="superscript">o</hi> <date>1746</date> I removed w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> my Parents hither to <placename>Hhuth</placename>
& so came in the Boys Anstalt here. For all I had
in my Children Years many a blessed Impression in
my Heart, but did't take so much Notice of this
begun at present when I thought the of thereof to press
many Tears from my Eyes. <sic>Afterwarts</sic>  <corr>Afterwards</corr> I came in
several poor Circumstances. A.<hi rend="superscript">o</hi> <date>1750</date> I w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> a great
many Children was receivd among the Boys & the
then came to my <unclear>Vater</unclear> to <sic>lern</sic>  <corr>learn</corr> his Business. In the
the Beginning I went on very well, but <sic>afterwarts</sic>  <corr>afterwards</corr>
came in a phlegmatic Hate, that it would't go in
nothing with me & was not sorry or distressd about
at all. The most tender <sic>Reminicences</sic>  <corr>Reminiscences</corr> of my Brethen
& reproach's I did't mind much; & in <add>this</add> miserable
Condition I went on a good While. At least our
Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> found means himself & show'd to <add>one</add> the unhappy
Condition my Heart was in. Now I <sic>begun</sic>  <corr>began</corr> to weep
& to pray he <add>would</add> give me a sincere & open Heart to
him & my Brethren, which he <sic>gratiously</sic>  <corr>graciously</corr> complyeth
w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>  I was after that receivd the <date>7 Apr. 1753</date>
in the Congregation to the Joy of my Heart.
Now my <sic>Disire</sic>  <corr>Desire</corr> was set upon, that our Saviour
would attain his whole Intention <unclear>mith</unclear> me. The holy
Ghost <sic>begun</sic>  <corr>began</corr> his blessed work in my Heart, but I soon

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