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and were with a feeling of his true Love dismissed, & 
returned a.c: in the <date>Month of Aug.</date> over <placename>London</placename> to
<placename>Heerendyk</placename>. From thence he was sent to <placename>Roterdam</placename>
to <persname>M</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname>. Blows</persname> Children.
A<hi rend="superscript">o</hi>. <date>1740</date>. He <sic>accompanyed</sic>  <corr>accompanied</corr>  <persname>B</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname>. Gradin</persname> through <placename>France</placename>
on his Journey to <placename>Constantinople</placename>, & by this Opportunity
made himself <sic>aquainted</sic>  <corr>acquainted</corr> w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. the <sic>Prostestants</sic>  <corr>Protestants</corr> at
<placename>Lion, Nimes, Marsaille</placename> etc which was a great
Hazard to his Life.       In the Time following
he came to <persname>B</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname>. Fishers</persname> Children at <placename>Bern</placename> & had
there according to his Inclination many Occurences
to witness the Redemption by the Blood of the
Lamb with very good Effect.
A<hi rend="superscript">o</hi>. <date>1741</date>. He and his Wife set out for <placename>Geneva</placename> to
the Pilgrims Congregation & on the Road his
Wife was <sic>delieverd</sic>  <corr>delivered</corr> of her second Son. Hujus Anni
he returned to <placename>Marienborn</placename> & from thence got
A<hi rend="superscript">o</hi>. <date>1742</date>. a Message to <placename>Berlin</placename> to treat of the
intended Establishment of the Brethren in
<placename>Newshatel</placename>, where to the King most <sic>gratiously</sic>  <corr>graciously</corr>
<sic>aggreed</sic>  <corr>agreed</corr>, but some <sic>Dificultys</sic>  <corr>Difficulties</corr> arose by the Classe
of Newshatel. At the End of this year he followed
the Call with his Wife to <placename>Montmirail</placename> to take
Care of the awakened Souls in that Quarter,
which he did with all possible Exactness &
every Weeks did a Journey to <placename>Newshatell</placename>
                                                         to <sic>visite</sic>  <corr>visit</corr>

[page break]

<sic>visite</sic>  <corr>visit</corr> the <sic>Awackened</sic>  <corr>Awakened</corr> Souls there to. He was in the
mean while very busy to translate some of our public
Books into the French Language, whereof separat
Pieces to the same time have been printed.
Ao. 1744. By the Syrod at <placename>Mborn</placename> He & his Wife were
<sic>apointed</sic>  <corr>appointed</corr> for a Journey into the Dales <add>or <sic>Valleys</sic>  <corr>Vallies</corr></add> of the <placename>Waldensers</placename>
to <sic>loock</sic>  <corr>look</corr> after their Seed or Children how they do. They both
accepted this dangerous Enterprice w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. much Pleasure
& set out from <placename>Montmiraile</placename> the <date>21<hi rend="superscript">st</hi> of July</date> a.c:
Our Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> conducted them <sic>savely</sic>  <corr>safely</corr> over the <sic>fearfull</sic>  <corr>fearful</corr>
Precipices of <placename>Mount St. Bernard</placename>. In the City of
<placename>Aosta</placename> they met two prostestand <sic>Ladys</sic>  <corr>Ladies</corr> (whereof one
lay dangerously ill & had been very much tormented
by the popish Priests to change her Religion) & he
preached her our Saviour & his bloody Attonement
for our Sins, that She resolved the very Day to set
out, & so echapped the Hands of her Prosecutors; but
before She could reach <placename><sic>Geneve</sic>  <corr>Geneva</corr></placename> She <sic>dyed</sic>  <corr>died</corr> on the Road
happy & full of Faith on the redemption of our Lord.
As he arrived at <placename>Farin</placename> our B<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. deliverd his Recomentation
to the englsh Minister, but he demonstrated to him the
<sic>Impossibilytis</sic>  <corr>Impossibilities</corr> to come by the present <sic>crytical</sic>  <corr>critical</corr> Con-
junctures into the [?] Valleys, & ensur'd him
that when he insist'd for this <add>Time</add> on his <sic>Refolution</sic>  <corr>Revolution</corr>,
he would not only <add>bring</add> himself, but the <orgname>Waldensers</orgname>
so into the utmost Dangers. Nevertheless they
continued their Journey to <placename>Pignerole</placename> and there
waited on <persname>Count de Peruse</persname>, Governor of the Castle
                                                              of this OutPost.