
From Moravian Transcriptions
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happy to expire on his Breast. How well, how
happy would this be for poor me! But <unclear>eff</unclear> <sic>scarly</sic>  <corr>scarily</corr> She 
had receivd the holt Sacrament, then <add>her</add> to hole Countenance
begun to change & lay without Motion, but inwardly
present to herself; She took no Notice of any Thing;
the formerly so very acceptable Visits of her Sisters, became
now very indifferent to her. Her Heart continually conversd<
w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> her only Friend: She made <add>some</add> Motions w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> her Lips
but nothing could be understood, & between 10 & 11 a
Clock in the Evening her Soul departed to her eternal
Home, after a Sojourning in this World of 24 Years,
wanting one Day.