
From Moravian Transcriptions
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57 Years, in which he had 8 Children of which 3
departed this Life when in their Infancy three Sons have
settled themselves partly in <placename>Germany</placename>, & partly here in
this Country, but are in no <sic>Connexion</sic> <corr>Connection</corr> with the Cong<hi rend="underline">rn</hi>.
one Daughter <persname>Mar. Rosina</persname> has been married with
<persname>Br. Lauterbach</persname> in <placename>Rixdorf</placename>, & the other <persname>Anne Johanne</persname>
is in the Choir House here. Wherever our late Brother
has been in our Town & Country Cong<hi rend="underline">rns</hi>, particu,
larly in <placename>Lancaster</placename> where he has served the longest,
his Memory is in Blessing. Among us he has approv,
ed himself as a Brother who <unclear>cleaved</unclear> with all his
Heart to our Savr. & to the Cong<hi rend="underline">rn</hi>. & had his Pleasure
& Delight in it. He therefore attended the Meetings
of the Cong<hi rend="underline">rn</hi>. uninterruptedly as long as ever he
could. In his Converse with others he was cordial
& loving, & when he had missed it somewhere, he soon
repented & begged for Pardon. Till in his advanced
Age he enjoyed an uncommon good State of Health
except his hearing which was much impaired in his
latter Years, & which caused no small Uneasiness to
him <sic>condidering</sic> <corr>considering</corr> his great Inclination to attend the 
Mettings. Only a few Weeks before his Departure 
he had to take to his Bed, he complained about nothing
but Straitness in his Breast, which also increased