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<date>Jan. 29</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. 1748</date>. In <date>Aug. the same Year</date> I moved to <placename>Lindheim</placename>
in <placename>Wetteravia</placename> to have the Care of the Childrens <sic>Oeconomy <corr>Economy</corr></sic>, where
I had the Pleasure to recieve the first Account to be depended
upon from my dear Husband, by a most affectionate Letter
of his own Handwriting. In <date>1751</date> <persname>Br. Risler</persname> came to <placename>Marien,</placename>
<placename>born</placename> from <placename>Petersburg</placename>, & brought me by Word of Mouth good Ac,
counts of my dear Husband, & offered me to take me along with
him. This Offer I received as out of the Hand of our Savior. And
<date>Aug. 1</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>st</date></hi>. I sat out with him & his dear Wife thither with the Blessing
of <persname>Count Zinzendorf </persname>and the <hi rend="underline">Brn</hi> and <hi rend="underline">Srs</hi>. My four Children I re,
comended to the faithful Heart of Jesus & the Congregation, &
my Heart was then so disposed: I know that I am Jesus Pro,
perty; of his Flesh & of his Bone, & shall remain his eternally
tho' I am very poor and wretched. I go with that Mind to my 
dear Husband to do that which our Savior would have me to
do, and I shall continue sitting at the Feet of Jesus. The <date>29</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. </date>
<date>the same Month</date> we arrived at <placename>Petersburg</placename>. But I had to keep
myself at first very still in <persname>Br. Koehlers</persname> House, till he had
procured Leave for me to come to <placename>Petersburg</placename>. Besides this I
grew so sick, that I could not think otherwise, but that I should
depart this Life without having seen my Husband. Add to this
that I could not even let my Husband know anything of my
Trouble, because whatever I wrote to him I had to regulate
so that all might read it, because Leave for my Journey to
<placename>Petersburg</placename> was not yet procured. This was a very hard Trial

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for me, & yet but a small one in Comparison of those to come.
I spent my sleepless Nights in Conversation with my only Friend,
wetted my Pillows with Tears; Jesus Perplexities, his merit
orious Tears, & nightly Prayers, were of great Service to me,
they strengthened & comforted me, so that I could childlikely
resign myself to him, & believe that if I even should go home
to Him without having seen my Husband, that he however
would be my most faithful & never failing Friend, who knows
best for what Reason he has brought me hither. <persname>Br. </persname>&<persname> Sr Risler</persname>
& <persname>Ferbers</persname> visited me as often as possible, & refreshed my
needy Soul, which I shall acknowledge with Gratitude as long as 
I live. I however recovered again & <date>Sept 8</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi>. |:<date>1751</date>:| being our
Wedding Day, <persname>Br. Koehler</persname> made me the Pleasure & led me in,
cognito with his Family to the Brethren in Prison. This
was indeed a great Joy to see each other again after so long a
Time. In <date>Oct. 1751</date> I obtained at last Leave to move to my
dear Husband, to whom Leave was granted to move with the
<persname>Brn Helterhof </persname>&<persname> Fritshe</persname> |:<persname>Gudslef</persname> was already gone to our Savior:|
into the hired House of <persname>Sr. Helterhof</persname>. This was a great Refresh,
ment for my sick & weary Heart. But even this could not come
to pass without Trouble, for there came soon Counter Order
that I should not yet move to my Husband, & I had to live 6
Days with <persname>Br. and Sr Risler</persname> in a private Manner. However we
had afterwards the Pleasure to live together for some Time,
which was effected by the inexpressible Pain <persname>Br. Koehler</persname> took, who
for our sake had to put up with much Vexation & Reproach.