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of mine, which was ravished by His winning
charms, and so fired with his abundant merciful
kindness, that his thro' pierced Foot got many a magdalene
salute. In this time of love, I did not seem to be
in need of faith, for it was feeling, and in a manner
seeing Him who is to bodily sight, invisible. On one
of my highly favor'd days, when taking a solitary walk
my gracious Redeemer revealed Himself to me as my
eternal Bridegroom, who had betrothed me unto Him
-self for ever. This was a day of my Espousals, which
I never can forget! At another period, I was consi-
-dering, what our dear Father must have suffered,
when He was in Christ [?] the world unto
Himself; what I felt was unutterable. I fell prostrate
before Him, crying by the Spirit of adoption, [?]
<gap></gap>I had <emotion>intervals of mourning, with deep compunc-
-tion of heart, weeping contrite tears with ardour</emotion>
and [?] of spirit, for a still closer union
with my Saviour, which was always succeeded by
a fresh manifestation of his matchless love. ------
<emotion>I had a great desire to depart,</emotion> often singing that
hymn verse, "O what a pain it is to me
<gap></gap>To love, and yet not be with Thee." ---
It was in the year <date>1742</date> when the <orgname>London Cong</orgname><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><orgname>n</orgname></hi></hi>
was settled, (having a powerful and irresistible call
to be a Member;) was rec<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">d</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> - It was extremely impor-
-tant to me to be united to this part of the Bride of Christ