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deemed it out of my power to accom-
plish my wish. However the love of
our dear Savior drew me more &
more, & more, I began to see how shame-
fully & ungratefully I had treated him,
& became <emotion>exceedingly distressed</emotion> on account
of my transgressions; <emotion>I groaned, I cried,
I wept, I prayed, but still found no peace</emotion>
nor power to relinquish my darling
objects However I had freedom to open
the distressed situation of my heart
to my dear Father & others, & by their ten-
der love & sympathy my heart was encou-
raged to take their advice, & to turn just
as I was to the friend of sinners. Ah with
what compassion & love did my ever
precious Saviour deal with me his poor
returning Prodigal. <emotion>Ashamed</emotion> I sunk at
his feet & poured out my whole soul be-
fore him. <emotion>Tears were more descriptive
of my inward state than words.</emotion> Now the
chains with which I had been bound,
& from which I had deemed it impos-
sible to be freed were knocked off one
after the other. The B<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">r</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript">n</hi> who during