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tho' I would fain persuade myself
otherwise. I therefore left the Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi>
& did all in my power to follow
my own will & way. I thought I
could now without any restraint do
what I pleased, & follow the ways of
the world without being so much
noticed. Ah how deceitful is such
liberty as this! For a time <emotion>it gave
me little or no uneasiness</emotion>, except
when I came within sight of a Broth-
er.<emotion> I was tolerably well satisfied with
myself</emotion> as I kept within the bounds
of <sic>wordly</sic>  <corr>worldly</corr> morality; when any thing
presented itself of a gross nature <emotion>I
began to shudder.</emotion> About this time
an instance of this kind happened,
which had nearly proved my ruin.
At the instant of its nearest approach
<emotion>my mind was filled with horror,</emotion>
& I thought I heard a voice behind
me say: Flee for your life! Grace
was given me to do it, & thus I