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(Created page with "and corrupt Nature made great Opposition; first because<br /> I had been a Communicant in the <abbr>Reform'd</abbr> Church 16 Years,<br /> and in all That Time had not <...")
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<br />
<br />
powerful, and lively and&nbsp;<br />
powerful, and lively and so beyond Contradiction; that the Flesh<br />
and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is true Life; according to<br />
his own Words. My Fleah is Meat indeed, and my Blood is<br />
Drink indeed. The Grace of my bleeding Redeemer was so<br />
powerfully confirmd to my Heart, that I can with my whole<br />
Heart, say, and join with the universal Christian Church.<br />
Blessed be God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath<br />
blessed Us with all spiritual Blessings in heavenly Places, in<br />
Christ. <gap></gap>I also thank the Father thro&#39; his beloved Son, Jesus<br />
Christ, for my Creation, for my Redemption, and for the many<br />
<unclear>fold</unclear> Forgiveness of all my Sins, for they were Great. I well<br />
feel that I am yet [not finished]<br />

Revision as of 21:43, 11 January 2018

and corrupt Nature made great Opposition; first because
I had been a Communicant in the Reform'd Church 16 Years,
and in all That Time had not attaind to a settled Peace; This
made Me wavering in my Soul; and secondly I was hard of
Hearing, which inclined Me to separate my Self from all Fel-
-lowship and Society; This was to my Corrupt Nature, a Thorn
in the Flesh, to be in Company, and <add>yet</add> to understand Nothing.
O how much Pain did I bring upon my Heart by my Ignorance
and Unbelief; but when I as such a poor Sinner, complaind the
State of my Heart to my Saviour, then He again forgave me
all my Transgressions.
<gap></gap>In the Year <date>1750.</date> I was received into the <orgname>Congregation
of the United Brethren</orgname>, and our Saviour granted me the Favour
to be admitted the <date>same Year</date> to the Sacrament among Them.
by the Will of God and thro' the Ministry of <persname>B</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname>. Rice</persname>, In the
Afternoon of the Same Day on which the Sacrament of our Lord
was administerd, He preachd on 1Tim<hi rend="superscript">y</hi>.3.016. Without Controversy,
great is the Mystery of Godliness; God was manifest in the Flesh;
justified in the Spirit; seen of Angels; preachd unto the Gentiles;
believed on in the World; received up into Glory: The Grace which
our dear Saviour let me feel at the first Participation in my Heart,
was in Truth, the Power of the aboverelated Words, Without Con-
-troversy, great is the Mystery of Godliness, God was manifest
in the Flesh. These and all the other Words of the Text, were so

[page break]

powerful, and lively and so beyond Contradiction; that the Flesh
and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is true Life; according to
his own Words. My Fleah is Meat indeed, and my Blood is
Drink indeed. The Grace of my bleeding Redeemer was so
powerfully confirmd to my Heart, that I can with my whole
Heart, say, and join with the universal Christian Church.
Blessed be God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath
blessed Us with all spiritual Blessings in heavenly Places, in
Christ. <gap></gap>I also thank the Father thro' his beloved Son, Jesus
Christ, for my Creation, for my Redemption, and for the many
<unclear>fold</unclear> Forgiveness of all my Sins, for they were Great. I well
feel that I am yet [not finished]