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One. She was directly ready &amp; set upon to go Home<br />
One. She was directly ready &amp; set upon to go Home<br />
&amp; <sic>possitively</sic>&nbsp; <corr>positively</corr> declared to hear of nothing else. Her<br />
&amp; <sic>possitively</sic>&nbsp; <corr>positively</corr> declared to hear of nothing else. Her<br />
[not finished]<br />
Sickness <sic>encreaseth</sic>&nbsp; <corr>increaseth</corr> daily, but She was happy &amp; <sic>allert</sic>&nbsp; <corr>alert</corr><br />
<br />
with her fellow Sisters, but sometimes <del>She</del> was<br />
observed in the most happy Meditations &amp; Conversation<br />
w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. her <sic><abbr>Sev</abbr></sic><hi rend="superscript"><sic><abbr>r</abbr></sic></hi><sic><abbr>.</abbr></sic><abbr>&nbsp; </abbr><corr><abbr>Sav</abbr></corr><hi rend="superscript"><corr><abbr>r</abbr></corr></hi><corr><abbr>.</abbr></corr> &amp; that so deep, that She was not<br />
present to herself &amp; nobody could interrupt her.<br />
When She recoverd again her <del>Y</del> Joy was inexpressible<br />
about her Prospect to be expected. <unclear>A!</unclear> said She one<br />
times, how it is to me I can&#39;t tell, when I think a<br />
few Weeks past, I was as healthy a Girl as any One<br />
of you, &amp;<br />

Revision as of 16:31, 5 December 2017

Nearness again. Now a new Scene was drawn
up in my Heart: I begun to feel, that I was not
sincere & upright, I did not like to see so much
in my <sic>Uncleaness</sic>  <corr>Uncleanness</corr> in my Heart, I was afraid for
myself, & ashamed to tell a Body of. For all that
I begged to our Saviour to discover every Thing
what is in me & help me to a upright & true
Heart. My Labourers very tenderly reachd me
their Hands and assisted me and made me Courage
to give <add>over</add> every Thing what not will stand the Proof.
I deploreth by my Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. to starve thro' his Flesh &
Blood what's unJesuslike & make me a Jesus-
like Girl. So far she herself in the Begin of
<date>A</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>o</date></hi><date>. 1760.</date>
From that Time She lernt herself better <add>to</add> know, grew
open & free towards her Labourers & became a tender
& <sic>sinerlike</sic>  <corr>sinnerlike</corr> Heart towards our Saviour.
In her Outward Behaviour not easily any Thing could
be found to be censured, but her <sic>timerous</sic>  <corr>timorous</corr> & <sic>bakward-</sic>  <corr>backward-</corr>
keeping Temper caused <add>to</add> herself many melancholic
Hours. However our dear Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. did in this respect very
much on her Heart; & She brought away her time very
happy & easy.
<date>A</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>o</date></hi><date>. 1762 the 4</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. of May</date>: She was received & according
to her Desire blessed into the Sggle Sister Choir, to
the great Joy of her Heart & She went over wth. a comfor-
ted Heart into her new Choir. Her last Births-Day
the <date>27</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. of January</date>

[page break]

was a Day of Praise to her, especially the Watch-Words
were a great <sic>Rejoysing</sic>  <corr>Rejoicing</corr> to her: Du hast meine Klage
verwandelt in einen Reigen. o du in Freuden-<unclear>osl</unclear>
verwandler meiner <unclear>Zährlein</unclear>! She declard, she never
had such Watchwords in her Life on her Birth-Day.
In the Beginning of Febr. a <sic>gallaping</sic>  <corr>galloping</corr> Consumption
sized upon her to the great <sic>Surprice</sic>  <corr>Surprise</corr> of herself & every
Body who knowd her. She was <add>before</add> a <sic>heathy</sic>  <corr>healthy</corr> & brisk Girl,
& on a sudden changed to the great Surprise of every
One. She was directly ready & set upon to go Home
& <sic>possitively</sic>  <corr>positively</corr> declared to hear of nothing else. Her
Sickness <sic>encreaseth</sic>  <corr>increaseth</corr> daily, but She was happy & <sic>allert</sic>  <corr>alert</corr>
with her fellow Sisters, but sometimes She was
observed in the most happy Meditations & Conversation
w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. her <sic>Sev</sic><hi rend="superscript"><sic>r</sic></hi><sic>.</sic>  <corr>Sav</corr><hi rend="superscript"><corr>r</corr></hi><corr>.</corr> & that so deep, that She was not
present to herself & nobody could interrupt her.
When She recoverd again her Y Joy was inexpressible
about her Prospect to be expected. <unclear>A!</unclear> said She one
times, how it is to me I can't tell, when I think a
few Weeks past, I was as healthy a Girl as any One
of you, &