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thereby <add>at the same time</add> the Uncertainty of the Hour of Death,
& resolvedy to watch over my <add>self </add>& to be concerned
continually about my Salvation. I longed
to be acquainted with a Student, to whom I
could reveal the Situation of my Heart
but I found none to whom I could have such
a Confidence, till in <date>June 1737</date>, when I was <add>became </add>
acquainted with one <persname>Simmich</persname>. By <add>At</add> his first Visit
I could lay before him my restless & about
my Salvation concerned Heart, & tell him
with what anxious Exercises & Resolutions
I had tired myself, to betrid of Sin & <add>become</add> assured 
of the Grace of God. He replied: Dear Sir,
On this Way you will not find Rest for your
troubled Soul. You must as a Sinner, who has
deserved Curse & Damnation come with all
your misery come to Jesus Christ, the Saviour
of the Sinners & This Man was to me a 
Messenger of the Grace of the Gospel, & by
him I came also into Acquaintance, with 
the other awakened Students, who were in
<sic>Connexion</sic> <corr>Connection</corr> together. I read now the New
Testament a-new, & was thereby powerfully

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convinced of theis Truth, & prayed to our Saviour,
to reveal to me by his holy Spirit his great
Work of Redemption. From that Time he let
me find Grace in his Blood. In <date>Sept.</date> <persname>B</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname>.</persname>
<persname>Martin Dober</persname> <add>made a Journey</add> <hi rend="underline">came</hi> <add>by Way of </add><hi rend="underline"><add></add>through</hi> <placename>Lipsick</placename> to <placename>I</placename><placename><placename>ena</placename></placename>
My open hearted Conversation with him, & his
Compassion with my vain Efforts, were blessed
to my Heart. Returning from <placename>I</placename><placename><placename>e</placename>na</placename> he related
us of the Awakening & the happy Course of the
Students in <placename>Iena</placename>, & gave me Advice, to visit
there, which I did in <date>October</date>, & was received
with much Love. The Conversations with the
<persname>Brethren Johannes, Molther, Lauterbach </persname>&c.
& some <unclear><add>ascetick</add></unclear><add></add> Lessons of <persname>M</persname><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi><persname> Brumhardt A.M.</persname> proved
to my Heart great Comfort, & I returned
very <add>much</add> strengthened to <placename>Lipsick</placename>, where I in the
Year <date>1738</date> had yet more Occasion, to grow
in the Knowledge of my self & of Jesus Christ.
I had till now <add>gone</add> but once in <placename>Lipsick</placename> gone to 
the Lords Supper, because I thought myself
unworthy of it, but now I enjoyed it with
6 B<hi rend="superscript"><hi rend="underline">rn</hi></hi><hi rend="underline"></hi> to a real Strengthening of my
Faith. In <date>May</date> I made a Visit in <placename>Herrnhut</placename>.