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<hi rend="underline">Congregatoin Accounts <date>1769</date></hi><br />
<hi rend="underline">Congregation Accounts <date>1769</date></hi><br />
Containing The Personals of our Happy deceased Brother<br />
Containing The Personals of our Happy deceased Brother<br />
<hi rend="underline"><persname>Charles Friedrick Tenser</persname></hi> who departed this Life at <hi rend="underline"><placename>Barby</placename></hi><br />
<hi rend="underline"><persname>Charles Friedrick Tenser</persname></hi> who departed this Life at <hi rend="underline"><placename>Barby</placename></hi><br />

Latest revision as of 20:43, 2 April 2018

<hi rend="underline">Congregation Accounts <date>1769</date></hi>
Containing The Personals of our Happy deceased Brother
<hi rend="underline"><persname>Charles Friedrick Tenser</persname></hi> who departed this Life at <hi rend="underline"><placename>Barby</placename></hi>
the <date>13</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of April 1769</date>.   He has left the following account of his Path
<sic>thro</sic>  <corr>through</corr> Time.
I was born the <date>1</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>st</date></hi><date> of January 1704</date> at <hi rend="underline"><placename>Luzois</placename></hi> near <hi rend="underline"><placename>Nauen</placename></hi>
in <hi rend="underline"><placename>Brandenburg</placename></hi>; <hi rend="underline">Luzow</hi> being my Fathers Estate. I can well Remem=
=ber that when i was a Child and used to walk in the garden, it often
came in my Mind: I hope I shall not go to hell! of which I heard more
off than of the <sic>Gosple</sic>  <corr>Gospel</corr> in our Family. When I was I was about 14 my
Tutor brought me to the <hi rend="underline">Saldrish</hi> School at <hi rend="underline"><placename>Brandenburg</placename></hi>, from thence
I came to the University at <hi rend="underline"><sic><placename>Frankfort</placename></sic></hi>  <hi rend="underline"><placename><corr>Frankfurt</corr></placename></hi> on the <hi rend="underline"><placename>Oder</placename></hi>. About this time
My Father <persname>John Teniser</persname>, <sic>Councellor</sic>  <corr>Counselor</corr> at the Prusian Court, <sic>whent</sic>  <corr>went</corr> to
Eternity, and in a few Years time My Mother run <sic>thro</sic>  <corr>through</corr> all our Estate
Which made her leave nothing undone, to engage me to enter into
Military Service, Advising me to go to a Relation of hers at <placename>Gorlitz</placename>
who was a Saxon Captain which I did accordingly, and <sic>inlisted</sic>  <corr>enlisted</corr>
a <sic>Souldier</sic>  <corr>Soldier</corr>. In the 21 Years I spent in the Army I made several
Compaigns, in which I suffer'd a great deal both in Soul which had cost
him his Blood, and follow'd me, notwithstanding I committted many
Crimes partly of my own Accord, and partly at the instigation of others.
Being in <placename>Poland</placename> and sent with a small company to Forrage one
on which the Lord Jesus shed his Blood and <sic>dyed</sic>  <corr>died</corr> on the Cross. I was
quite frighten'd at that could not sleep the whole Night lait conti=
=nually Ponder'd upon it whether it was really true, that Christ hung