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(Created page with "This own Conscience and no one taking to the <sic>Busyness</sic>  <corr>Business</corr> I sold of with<br /> great loss - so that when I had paid the legacy I had but 25...")
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<date>Easter Sunday</date> - <persname><abbr>Br</abbr>. Worthingtons</persname> text was the Lord is risen indeed<br />
<date>Easter Sunday</date> - <persname><abbr>Br</abbr>. Worthingtons</persname> text was the Lord is risen indeed<br />
and hath <abbr>appeard</abbr> unto <persname>Simon</persname> - this was the first time I heard the pu[??]<br />
and hath <abbr>appeard</abbr> unto <persname>Simon</persname> - this was the first time I heard the pu[??]<br />
Gospel preached -
Gospel preached - that full free salvation which I had felt in my own<br />
heart formerly - my own case was described in that of <persname>Peter</persname> and a tall pardon<br />
was held out to me in the Suffering and Death of my Dear <abbr>Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi></abbr> which were<br />
painted in the most beautiful colours to my poor distressed heart - I attended<br />
the preaching constantly till <date><abbr>Jan</abbr> 1783</date> and always with blising[?] but at<br />
times my distress returned - and hearing<persname><abbr> Br W</abbr></persname> was ??ring to leave the city I went<br />
to buy a hymn Book he ???? me several questions, in particular - if I <abbr>lovd</abbr> our<br />
Lord Jesus Christ - this I could only answer with tears - next day I was as it were<br />
<abbr>compeld</abbr> to go to him and open all my heart - his Wife was present he gave me<br />
true Consolation in Christ Jesus and came to see me . . I felt such a union of Spirit<br />
with these dear people that I could not rest till I asked then if it was<br />
<sic>posible</sic>&nbsp; <corr>possible</corr> such a vice creature could be <abbr>receivd</abbr> into the congregation: they said it<br />
I <abbr>desivd</abbr> it ,: might be <abbr>receivd</abbr> into the Society - by way of preparation - in time<br />
our <abbr>Sav.</abbr><hi rend="superscript"><abbr>r</abbr></hi> might receive me into his congregation describing it in a <sic>beautifull</sic>&nbsp; <corr>beautiful</corr> light<br />
I was <abbr>recivd</abbr> on the <date>9 of March</date> and went to live with <persname><abbr>Br</abbr> and <abbr>Sis</abbr> Mineard</persname><br />
soon after visited an old acquaintance - she was sadly afraid I should be sent<br />
to a Widows house which she said was 300 miles distant - and intreated me to<br />
be on my guard - this was news to having never heard there was such as house<br />
she left the room - I saw in the window a piece of an old <sic>himn</sic>&nbsp; <corr>hymn</corr>, with these&nbsp;<br />
lines which I never saw before nor since - Where thou determinst my abody<br />
Cover there my choice shall be . for in thy presence death is life. And earth<br />
is heaven with thee - I was sure this was the spot my <abbr>Sav.</abbr><hi rend="superscript"><abbr>r</abbr></hi> designed for me - -<br />
when I went home our people said the place was <abbr>calld</abbr> <placename>Tulneck</placename> and gave me<br />
an excelist Cha??tes of <persname><abbr>Sis.</abbr></persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname><abbr>r</abbr></persname></hi><persname> Ste?oman</persname> I <abbr>longd</abbr> to be under her case believing<br />
she would be a Mother to me - - this impression was removed to me when I read<br />
the Brethrens history - I simply asked our <abbr>Sav.</abbr><hi rend="superscript"><abbr>r</abbr></hi> if I should write for Recepto<br />
into the <abbr>Cong.</abbr><hi rend="superscript"><abbr>n</abbr></hi> or speak about the Choir house first. I felt him near my heart<br />
and was directed to write and then to speak about Tulneck - - he also gave<br />
me the power to do it - which I could not before <abbr>tho</abbr> I had attempted it<br />
many times. <persname><abbr>Br</abbr>. Sulger</persname> wrote to <persname><abbr>Br</abbr> Loa Trobe</persname> who came soon after and<br />
gave me great encouragement . . the <date>13 of <abbr>Nov.</abbr></date><hi rend="superscript"><date><abbr>br</abbr></date></hi> following the opacious<br />
Head and Colder of his Church, <abbr>Receivd</abbr> me into his Congregation<br />
with a <sic>blesed</sic>&nbsp; <corr>blessed</corr> feeling of His Presence<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <persname>Mary Startton</persname>

Revision as of 00:59, 29 January 2018

This own Conscience and no one taking to the <sic>Busyness</sic>  <corr>Business</corr> I sold of with
great loss - so that when I had paid the legacy I had but 250
Pounds left - 200 of which would have been theirs if I had <sic>maried</sic>  <corr>married</corr> again
I returnd to <placename>Bristol</placename>; and now the Holy Spirit labourd to convince
me that the cause of all my Sufferings was that I had left my first
Love often <sic>aplying</sic>  <corr>applying</corr> the words which had been said the Church of old
But I still went on in a self righteous way for several years - -
At last the Lord turned and lookt upon me just as he did upon
<persname>Peter</persname> - - this look struck me to the heart I shed numberless tears for
my Care ingratitude I think it a great mercy being a person of Strong
<sic>Pasion</sic>  <corr>Passion</corr> I did not attempt my own life, for now; thought I had sinnd
against the Holy Ghost, of course could never be forgiven, [??] acquaintance
Being my distress took me often to hear preaching - - but I could <add>find</add> no rest for the
sole of my foot - - once she askt me to go to the <orgname>Moravian </orgname><sic><orgname>Chappel</orgname></sic><orgname>  </orgname><corr><orgname>Chapel</orgname></corr> saying there
was a fine man there - having never heard of these people before I said what
are they - & dont know she said but I never heard the name of Jesus repeated
so often in my life - tho was just what I wanted - - but I would not go till
<date>Easter Sunday</date> - <persname>Br. Worthingtons</persname> text was the Lord is risen indeed
and hath appeard unto <persname>Simon</persname> - this was the first time I heard the pu[??]
Gospel preached - that full free salvation which I had felt in my own
heart formerly - my own case was described in that of <persname>Peter</persname> and a tall pardon
was held out to me in the Suffering and Death of my Dear Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> which were
painted in the most beautiful colours to my poor distressed heart - I attended
the preaching constantly till <date>Jan 1783</date> and always with blising[?] but at
times my distress returned - and hearing<persname> Br W</persname> was ??ring to leave the city I went
to buy a hymn Book he ???? me several questions, in particular - if I lovd our
Lord Jesus Christ - this I could only answer with tears - next day I was as it were
compeld to go to him and open all my heart - his Wife was present he gave me
true Consolation in Christ Jesus and came to see me . . I felt such a union of Spirit
with these dear people that I could not rest till I asked then if it was
<sic>posible</sic>  <corr>possible</corr> such a vice creature could be receivd into the congregation: they said it
I desivd it ,: might be receivd into the Society - by way of preparation - in time
our Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> might receive me into his congregation describing it in a <sic>beautifull</sic>  <corr>beautiful</corr> light
I was recivd on the <date>9 of March</date> and went to live with <persname>Br and Sis Mineard</persname>
soon after visited an old acquaintance - she was sadly afraid I should be sent
to a Widows house which she said was 300 miles distant - and intreated me to
be on my guard - this was news to having never heard there was such as house
she left the room - I saw in the window a piece of an old <sic>himn</sic>  <corr>hymn</corr>, with these 
lines which I never saw before nor since - Where thou determinst my abody
Cover there my choice shall be . for in thy presence death is life. And earth
is heaven with thee - I was sure this was the spot my Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> designed for me - -
when I went home our people said the place was calld <placename>Tulneck</placename> and gave me
an excelist Cha??tes of <persname>Sis.</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname> Ste?oman</persname> I longd to be under her case believing
she would be a Mother to me - - this impression was removed to me when I read
the Brethrens history - I simply asked our Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> if I should write for Recepto
into the Cong.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> or speak about the Choir house first. I felt him near my heart
and was directed to write and then to speak about Tulneck - - he also gave
me the power to do it - which I could not before tho I had attempted it
many times. <persname>Br. Sulger</persname> wrote to <persname>Br Loa Trobe</persname> who came soon after and
gave me great encouragement . . the <date>13 of Nov.</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>br</date></hi> following the opacious
Head and Colder of his Church, Receivd me into his Congregation
with a <sic>blesed</sic>  <corr>blessed</corr> feeling of His Presence
                                                                              <persname>Mary Startton</persname>