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(Created page with "on the Cross. As soon as it was day I went out in the Field, which was <abbr>cover'd</abbr><br /> with snow, fell on my knees, and repeated a Prayer which I had <abbr>lea...")
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Sister who lived beyond <placename>Sorau</placename>; In <placename>Sorau</placename> I <sic>staid</sic>&nbsp; <corr>stayed</corr> some weeks with=<br />
Sister who lived beyond <placename>Sorau</placename>; In <placename>Sorau</placename> I <sic>staid</sic>&nbsp; <corr>stayed</corr> some weeks with=<br />
<br />
<br />
[page break]
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<br />
without hearing anything of the <abbr>Brn</abbr>: <sic>untill</sic>&nbsp; <corr>until</corr> my Landlord told me the <sic>Minester</sic>&nbsp; <corr>Minister</corr><br />
here was a Brother, and that there was several Pietests here. This <abbr>rais&#39;d</abbr> a<br />
desire in me, to hear the Above <abbr>mentiond</abbr> <sic>Minester</sic>&nbsp; <corr>Minister</corr>, our <abbr>d.</abbr><hi rend="superscript"><abbr>r</abbr></hi> Brother <hi rend="underline"><persname>Clemens</persname></hi><br />
His first Sermon treated of Grace in the blood of Jesus, as the Price by which<br />
we are Ransomed, and how one might obtain a certainty of our Salvation<br />
here in time, yea even that very day. This was just the thing I wanted<br />
a certainty of my Salvation. The Words <hi rend="underline">Ransom Price</hi> Penetrated my<br />
very soul, so that I could not <sic>forgett</sic>&nbsp; <corr>forget</corr> it. My heart was convinced <hi rend="underline">this</hi> was<br />
the right Doctrine, and thus it must be with me, and my thoughts<br />
was: If <hi rend="underline">one</hi> man has <abbr>obtaind</abbr> a Certainty of his Salvation, I must be the<br />
<hi rend="underline">Second</hi>, or I desire to live no longer. I could not rest till I could speak<br />
with Brother <persname>Clemens</persname> myself, and <abbr>address&#39;d</abbr> him with the following words:<br />
You are my <hi rend="underline"><persname>Peter</persname></hi> which I have <abbr>pray&#39;d</abbr> for, and I now desire you will fur=<br />
=ther inform me <sic>wether</sic>&nbsp; <corr>whether</corr> it is Possible that such a Soldier as I am, who<br />
has spent his Life in such a Manner, can experience that Grace.<br />
He found no small difficulty to convince me of it, Joy, made it <sic>allmost</sic>&nbsp; <corr>almost</corr><br />
incredible to me. I then went home, fell on my knees, and <abbr>beg&#39;d</abbr><br />
our Saviour to set forth an Example of his great Mercy <hi rend="underline">in me</hi> that&nbsp;<br />
had been so wretched a Sinner, which I could not but acknowledge<br />
I was and then his Name would be the more glorified by his being<br />
gracious to such a wretch, and giving <hi rend="underline">me</hi> an Experience of the Virtue<br />
of his Blood which he had shed as a Ransom Price for me.<br />
This He did in such a powerful manner, that my heart was <abbr>warmd</abbr>;<br />
and I saw so clearly in Spirit, how he hung on the Cross for my sins<br />
sake, that I was <sic>truely</sic>&nbsp; <corr>truly</corr> Penetrated with the most Lively Affection &amp;<br />
thankfulness towards him, and I lay at least an Hour prostrate<br />
before him. I <abbr>surrender&#39;d</abbr> myself <sic>intirely</sic>&nbsp; <corr>entirely</corr> up to him Soul and Body,<br />
and promised to be <sic>wholy</sic>&nbsp; <corr>wholly</corr> his Property. The Kind gracious Look<br />
which he gave me, was so clear and lively to my Heart, that I never<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; can

Latest revision as of 17:09, 20 December 2017

on the Cross. As soon as it was day I went out in the Field, which was cover'd
with snow, fell on my knees, and repeated a Prayer which I had learn'd out
of a Book, for I could not pray out of my heart. Yet sin soon overpower'd
me again. My first Campaign in <placename>Poland</placename> being at an End, in which
I made one at the siege of <placename>Dantzig</placename>, I was quarterd in a Saxon Village
near <placename>Herzberg</placename>. Here I got a Picture of our Saviour on the Cross, this
I naild to the Wall, and fell down before it on my knees, and beg'd for
my Salvation, the certainty of which I had never heard one word off.
In the Year <date>1741</date> I was in the Campaign at <placename>Bohemia</placename>, we had a very
smart engagement, and when I saw so many fall at my side, My whole
load off Sins was <sic>pourtray'd</sic>  <corr>portrayed</corr> before me, I sigh'd after deliverance for my
Soul, and made a Solemn Oath to our Saviour, that if he would
give me my Life for a Prey, and let me have time to be conver=
=ted then I would be wholly his. After this I endeavourd in earnest to
become happy, and believing a Soldiers Life was a hindrance
I begd for <sic>dissmission</sic>  <corr>dismission</corr> and pleaded My Arm, which I had broke in
a fall from my Horse, but was obliged to stay till the Campaign
was ended, after which I obtain'd my <sic>dissmission</sic>  <corr>dismission</corr>, and knew not
to what part of the World I should go. At length my Tent com=
=panion offer'd to take me to his Farm in <placename>Thüringen</placename>, I went
thither, begging our Saviour on the way that he would bring 
me to a <hi rend="underline">Peter</hi> or send such a one to me, as he did the Cen=
=turion in the Acts of the Apostles, that I might hear Words of
Life. Then I shed the first Tears for my Salvation, and believ'd I
should be heard. I did not stay long in <placename>Thüringen</placename>, refused several
offers which was made me here and elsewhere, and resolved to go to my
Sister who lived beyond <placename>Sorau</placename>; In <placename>Sorau</placename> I <sic>staid</sic>  <corr>stayed</corr> some weeks with=

[page break]

without hearing anything of the Brn: <sic>untill</sic>  <corr>until</corr> my Landlord told me the <sic>Minester</sic>  <corr>Minister</corr>
here was a Brother, and that there was several Pietests here. This rais'd a
desire in me, to hear the Above mentiond <sic>Minester</sic>  <corr>Minister</corr>, our d.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> Brother <hi rend="underline"><persname>Clemens</persname></hi>
His first Sermon treated of Grace in the blood of Jesus, as the Price by which
we are Ransomed, and how one might obtain a certainty of our Salvation
here in time, yea even that very day. This was just the thing I wanted
a certainty of my Salvation. The Words <hi rend="underline">Ransom Price</hi> Penetrated my
very soul, so that I could not <sic>forgett</sic>  <corr>forget</corr> it. My heart was convinced <hi rend="underline">this</hi> was
the right Doctrine, and thus it must be with me, and my thoughts
was: If <hi rend="underline">one</hi> man has obtaind a Certainty of his Salvation, I must be the
<hi rend="underline">Second</hi>, or I desire to live no longer. I could not rest till I could speak
with Brother <persname>Clemens</persname> myself, and address'd him with the following words:
You are my <hi rend="underline"><persname>Peter</persname></hi> which I have pray'd for, and I now desire you will fur=
=ther inform me <sic>wether</sic>  <corr>whether</corr> it is Possible that such a Soldier as I am, who
has spent his Life in such a Manner, can experience that Grace.
He found no small difficulty to convince me of it, Joy, made it <sic>allmost</sic>  <corr>almost</corr>
incredible to me. I then went home, fell on my knees, and beg'd
our Saviour to set forth an Example of his great Mercy <hi rend="underline">in me</hi> that 
had been so wretched a Sinner, which I could not but acknowledge
I was and then his Name would be the more glorified by his being
gracious to such a wretch, and giving <hi rend="underline">me</hi> an Experience of the Virtue
of his Blood which he had shed as a Ransom Price for me.
This He did in such a powerful manner, that my heart was warmd;
and I saw so clearly in Spirit, how he hung on the Cross for my sins
sake, that I was <sic>truely</sic>  <corr>truly</corr> Penetrated with the most Lively Affection &
thankfulness towards him, and I lay at least an Hour prostrate
before him. I surrender'd myself <sic>intirely</sic>  <corr>entirely</corr> up to him Soul and Body,
and promised to be <sic>wholy</sic>  <corr>wholly</corr> his Property. The Kind gracious Look
which he gave me, was so clear and lively to my Heart, that I never