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I saw one day the <sic>Apearance</sic>&nbsp; <corr>Appearance</corr> of a Person whose Face was <sic>wrapt</sic>&nbsp; <corr>wrapped</corr> in Red<br />
I saw one day the <sic>Apearance</sic>&nbsp; <corr>Appearance</corr> of a Person whose Face was <sic>wrapt</sic>&nbsp; <corr>wrapped</corr> in Red<br />
Callico. As I <abbr>look&#39;d</abbr> earnestly at it, It seemd to me as the Blood broke out<br />
Callico. As I <abbr>look&#39;d</abbr> earnestly at it, It seemd to me as the Blood broke out<br />
at every Pore. I ran away from this sight, and full of <unclear>Turp rize</unclear> and&nbsp;<br />
at every Pore. I ran away from this sight, and full of Surprize and&nbsp;<br />
Terror, <abbr>Jump&#39;d</abbr> down a high pair of stairs. My Fright was so great<br />
Terror, <abbr>Jump&#39;d</abbr> down a high pair of stairs. My Fright was so great<br />
that I had one <unclear>Dainty Fitt</unclear> after the other, and was sick several Days<br />
that I had one <unclear>Dainty Fitt</unclear> after the other, and was sick several Days<br />

Latest revision as of 00:53, 22 December 2017

Personals of the Single Brother <hi rend="underline"><persname>Martin Berg</persname></hi>
Who departed to our Saviour the <date>16</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of February 1768</date>
at <hi rend="underline"><placename>New Dietenderff</placename></hi>. He has left the following account
of his Path thro time:
I was born at <hi rend="underline"><placename>Strahlsund</placename> the</hi> <date>17</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of October 1711</date>. My Father who
was a Captain of a Vessel, dying when I was very young, and <add>my</add> Mother dying
in the Plague, our Relations took care to place my B.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> and ?? <add>me</add> in the
Orphan House, where my Brother soon after <sic>dyed</sic>  <corr>died</corr> very happy. But I became
a wicked Child. As I was in full Career towards all evil, wild and thoughtless,
I saw one day the <sic>Apearance</sic>  <corr>Appearance</corr> of a Person whose Face was <sic>wrapt</sic>  <corr>wrapped</corr> in Red
Callico. As I look'd earnestly at it, It seemd to me as the Blood broke out
at every Pore. I ran away from this sight, and full of Surprize and 
Terror, Jump'd down a high pair of stairs. My Fright was so great
that I had one <unclear>Dainty Fitt</unclear> after the other, and was sick several Days
yea I lost my speech 3 days, and could tell no one what had befallen me.
Soon after I fell ill of a violent Fever, in which I was lightheaded and
thought I saw nothing but Devils, and it was to me as if I was really
in Hell. In this distress I beg'd of God to spare me this time, I would
be converted and be a good Child. I repeated all the Ejaculations I had
<sic>learnt</sic>  <corr>learned</corr>, and pray'd heartily for my recovery, and the Lord heard my Prayers
and gave to feel his <add>grace</add> and Pardon of my Sins. As soon as I regaind my
Health, I set faithfully about performing the promise I had made to God,
with the Assistance of his Holy Spirit, who was my faithful Bystand,
at which the Guardian of the Orphan House grew displeas'd and endeavoured
to distress me all <sic>maner</sic>  <corr>manner</corr> of ways. As I <unclear>durst</unclear> not pray Openly, I crept
into Holes and Corners, wept and pray'd to the Lord whom I had griev'd
so long, but who was now so gracious to me, that I had a Heaven upon
Earth. I could not refrain letting my School fellows know what pass'd
with me, which was a means of Increaing my Persecution. When I
was alone at Prayers the other Children would listen, and that prov'd
a means of bringing several to think as I did, that their Hearts was
touch'd and they was of the same Mind with my self; their number
was 8. Here upon the Enemy was enraged, and as I was accused of being
the cause of this stirring among the Children, I suffered a great deal,
and receiv'd more stripes than as <sic>tho</sic>  <corr>though</corr> I had done evil. I had no one