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Meeting at the Hall in <placename><abbr>Hhuth</abbr></placename> as they sung this<br />
Meeting at the Hall in <placename><abbr>Hhuth</abbr></placename> as they sung this<br />
<sic>vers</sic>&nbsp; <corr>verse</corr>: Wie bin ich doch so herzlith froh. My bloody<br />
<sic>vers</sic>&nbsp; <corr>verse</corr>: Wie bin ich doch so herzlich froh. My bloody<br />
Redeemer on a sudden <abbr>appeard</abbr> before me, &amp; my<br />
Redeemer on a sudden <abbr>appeard</abbr> before me, &amp; my<br />
poor Heart melted away by feeling his blessed<br />
poor Heart melted away by feeling his blessed<br />

Latest revision as of 01:35, 16 December 2017

Meeting at the Hall in <placename>Hhuth</placename> as they sung this
<sic>vers</sic>  <corr>verse</corr>: Wie bin ich doch so herzlich froh. My bloody
Redeemer on a sudden appeard before me, & my
poor Heart melted away by feeling his blessed
Nearness for Shame about my deep Misery &
Sinful Condition. I never can forget this
blessed Moment & I shall remember it & adore
my Saviour therefore in Eternity.
From this Time the Sisters took more particular
Care upon me, & for all I liveth in <placename>Berthols_
dorf</placename> I got <sic>Lieve</sic>  <corr>Leave</corr> to partake on the Communion_
Meetings in <placename>Hhuth</placename>.
<date>1747 the 22</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>d</date></hi><date> of Octob.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi></date> to the greatest Joy
& Shame of my poor Heart, I was received in
the Congregation in <placename>Hhuth</placename>, this gave one a new
Spirit to lay down my whole Heart before my
Redeemer as a poor Reward for his Trouble;
and still I remember by every Reception, the 
Grace beflowed upon my <add>Soul</add> by this Opportunity.
A.<hi rend="superscript">o</hi> <date>1748 March 20</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi> I removed from Hh
<placename>Bertholsdorf</placename> to <placename>Hhuth</placename>
<date>March 25</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi> our Saviour <add>beflowed</add> the great Mercy on me
to partake w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> the Congregation the holy
Sacrament of his inestimable Flesh & Blood.
Here all Words fall to short to express what my

[page break]

poor Heart felt thereby.
From that Time I passd my Time as well in the
Congregation as my dear Choir <sic>chearfull</sic>  <corr>cheerful</corr> and
happy and my Heart was <sic>realy</sic>  <corr>really</corr> attached to our dear
Saviour. If some times a cloudy Hour came
upon me, as whereto my poor Temper much
inclined, it was soon dispersed as soon as my
Heart <sic>weept</sic>  <corr>wept</corr> for our dear Saviours feet.
A.<hi rend="superscript">o</hi> <date>1756 the 14</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of March</date> I was taken among
the hourly Intercessors, by this special Conversation
w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> our dear Saviour, I had many Blessings &
for fo my own part many <add>delightful</add> Insights into the <unclear>Siner_
loving</unclear> Heart of our Redeemer.
The <date>3</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of Febr</date>. a.c. I was <add>received</add> amongst the Acoluths.
received. the <date>8 of July</date> as the new Classes who were
errected I became a Help Mate in one of them.
The <date>3</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of Febr</date>. I became the first time Choir Disciple
which was a Opportunity to keep <sic>closse</sic>  <corr>close</corr> to the Heart
of my dearest Redeemer & a true blessing for my
poor Soul (after that this Grace happened oftener to
her, and She was the last Choir Disciple.)
In the Beginning of the <date>Year 61</date>. Our dear Saviour
was very <sic>gratious</sic>  <corr>gracious</corr> to me & <sic>blest</sic>  <corr>blessed</corr> me w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> his Nearness
& my constant Prayer was only: Dear Saviour
remain so with me, till I see thy face to Face.
                                                                <date>18</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> Febr.</date>