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(Created page with "who were yet very young, should prove Undutiful,<br /> my oldest was a Daughter of 7 Years old, and the young-<br /> -est a Son of 16 Months, who lay very near my Heart.<br...")
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<br />
<br />
which was heavier than
which was heavier than my Body, this I carried in a&nbsp;<br />
Bucket in my Left Hand; I <abbr>enterd</abbr> very patiently and willing<br />
on this narrow Way, I could not walk, but was forced to<br />
creep like a Worm over it, for to walk was impossible for<br />
me, and the Light was dim, like the first Rays of Day<br />
Break, I was obliged to hold fast with my Right Hand<br />
by the Edge of the narrow Bridge, for fear of falling into the<br />
dreadful Stream; at last I saw before Me a sandy Land<br />
which the Water had left; then I <abbr>thankd</abbr> the Lord my God&nbsp;<br />
for my Deliverance; I was also freed from carrying the<br />
Burden any more; I stood on my Feet, and would go on-<br />
-ward, but could not, for the Earth was like a Sea of Sand,<br />
and I sunk in it, then I was in my Soul sore afraid, and<br />
I said unto God, with a very heavy Heart, I have been<br />
<abbr>helpd</abbr> over the narrow Way, and shall I sink in This, and<br />
perish. In this Distress God came to my Relief by a Hand<br />
like unto a Mans Hand, which <add>took</add> Me by the Hand and led Me<br />
unto firm and solid Ground; and I <abbr>thankd</abbr> the Lord who sent<br />
me this Deliverance also: I then <abbr>walkd</abbr> to the House of my<br />
Mother&#39;s Brother, which stood upon a Hill; after a little<br />
while I went to see the very pleasant Country around Me,<br />
and I looking toward the East, saw the Sun in his full<br />

Latest revision as of 01:43, 9 January 2018

who were yet very young, should prove Undutiful,
my oldest was a Daughter of 7 Years old, and the young-
-est a Son of 16 Months, who lay very near my Heart.
<gap></gap>Now I was brought into a new School, how very
hard was my Heart, I could not acquiesce in the Will
of God. O how painful and heavy it was unto Me; my Soul 
cleaved too much to outward Things, and I had no Power
to humble my Self under the Hand of God: Under these
Trials, the Lord gave Me to hope in his Grace: Saying
my Strength is made perfect in Weakness. And this Pro-
-mise was truly fulfilled to my Heart, yet my Fear was very
Great; I saw that I now lay open to all the Temptations of
the Enemy, the World and my own Corruption, I felt in my
Self, that I had no Power against these Things, and This
made Me to seek, cry and pray unto the Lord, and He also
heard my Prayers.
<gap></gap>After I had been 2 or 3 Months in a State of
Widowhood, I dreamt that I stood on <add>a</add> Shore which I must
pass over; I could see no Land before Me, but all lookd
like a drowned World, overstreamd with a great and muddy
Deluge; I saw a Bridge which was very narrow, over which
I was obliged to go, and to carry with me a great Burden

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which was heavier than my Body, this I carried in a 
Bucket in my Left Hand; I enterd very patiently and willing
on this narrow Way, I could not walk, but was forced to
creep like a Worm over it, for to walk was impossible for
me, and the Light was dim, like the first Rays of Day
Break, I was obliged to hold fast with my Right Hand
by the Edge of the narrow Bridge, for fear of falling into the
dreadful Stream; at last I saw before Me a sandy Land
which the Water had left; then I thankd the Lord my God 
for my Deliverance; I was also freed from carrying the
Burden any more; I stood on my Feet, and would go on-
-ward, but could not, for the Earth was like a Sea of Sand,
and I sunk in it, then I was in my Soul sore afraid, and
I said unto God, with a very heavy Heart, I have been
helpd over the narrow Way, and shall I sink in This, and
perish. In this Distress God came to my Relief by a Hand
like unto a Mans Hand, which <add>took</add> Me by the Hand and led Me
unto firm and solid Ground; and I thankd the Lord who sent
me this Deliverance also: I then walkd to the House of my
Mother's Brother, which stood upon a Hill; after a little
while I went to see the very pleasant Country around Me,
and I looking toward the East, saw the Sun in his full