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Liturgus. <gap></gap>He <abbr>pray&#39;d</abbr> without ceasing, and made it his<br />
Liturgus. <gap></gap>He <abbr>pray&#39;d</abbr> without ceasing, and made it his<br />
real concern to Commend to our dear Lords Blessing and<br />
real concern to Commend to our dear Lords Blessing and<br />
Protection the increase of his Kingdom The whole <abbr>Brns</abbr> <unclear>fold</unclear><br />
Protection the increase of his Kingdom The whole <abbr>Brns told</abbr><br />
<br />
<br />

Latest revision as of 19:00, 9 January 2018

and our Saviour <sic>oppend</sic>  <corr>opend</corr> my Heart which was formerly seald up so
that I could tell my whole Situation. I likewise obtaind the unspeak
=able Favour to partake the Holy Sacrament with the Congregation
That was a happy Moment. I look'd on myself as a poor Sinner who
obtaind Salvation purely out of free Grace and Mercy and com=
=mended myself to the failthful care and Protection of our dear
Saviour, and the Maternal Tuition of the Holy Spirit. when I
arose in the Morning my first thoughts were <gap></gap>O that I might neither
think speak or hear of any thing but thy Love and thee, <gap></gap>and his
Grace lead me happily, yet still a time came <sic>wherin</sic>  <corr>wherein</corr> I felt myself
so cold and in such dryness that I <sic>staid</sic>  <corr>stayed</corr> away from the Holy Sacra
=ment. I was much troubled and beg'd our dear Saviour for forgive
=ness, and he again bless'd me with his Peace. Just then the Word
for the Day was, Ye Husbands pray without doubting My Prayer
was. O let me in thy Nail <unclear>prints</unclear> see, my Pardon & Election free
and I heard the Blessed words in my Heart: behold I have gra=
=ven thee in the Palms of my Hands. In the Year <date>1736</date> I
was admitted among the <orgname>hourly Intercessors</orgname>. Then I experienced
what that is to be with the Spouse quite lonely and to pray for
the whole Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi>. Yea for our dear Saviours whole Kingdom.
3 Years after I became Sick Waiter. I beg'd our Saviour to give me
wisdom and an humble lowly Sinner Heart I was in this
Important Office near 10 Years and perform'd it with great Will
=ingness. In the Year <date>1741</date> the <orgname>Priesterly Office of Night Watch
=man</orgname> came to be my Lot. My Bodily Weakness made me
at first somewhat <sic>Scrupelous</sic>  <corr>Scrupulous</corr> but I soon <sic>recolected</sic>  <corr>recollected</corr> the Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi>.
has <sic>apointed</sic>  <corr>appointed</corr> the to it, if it is our dear Saviours Will that 
thou shalt serve him in this Office he will give the Strength
to execute it, I therefore undertook it in his Name on the
<date>7</date><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi><date>. of August</date> I resign'd myself to our Saviours Grace and the
Angels Protection: And our dear Saviour gave me his poor
Sinner who had nothing but his Grace to feel and see that 

[page break]

He was with me and supported me. <gap></gap>Soon after the Office of
Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi>. <sic>Desciples</sic>  <corr>Disciples</corr> being introduced My Wife and I had the
favour of being the first Married Pair that had this
Priesterly <sic>Honnour</sic>  <corr>Honour</corr> this bow'd my heart in Dust before our
Saviour. <gap></gap>And Since then, as Often as I have had the fa=
=vour of being Congregation or Choir Disciple, My heart
has enjoyd a new Blessing and my Cheeks has been wetted
with Sinner Tears. <gap></gap>In the Month of <date>June 1760</date> such
a Weakness came over me, that I was obliged to resign
my important <orgname>Office of Watchman</orgname> in <placename>Herrnhuth</placename> the <date>15</date><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi><date>.
of June</date> being the last Night in which I watch'd. My
Weakness increas'd so, that I was in great hopes I should
soon depart from this Vale of Tears, but that Hour is not
yet come. I have been obliged to miss many fine Meetings it
is true yet his sweet Nearness has often made me many a
Happy Hour in my Chamber the <date>15</date><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi><date>. of February 1762</date> I had
a most peculiar Hour of Grace which I no more expected in
this Life, which was that <persname>Br. Gregor</persname> surrender'd the Con=
=gregation Discipleship to me in my Sick Chamber It was
as tho a Stream of Mercy and Grace was pourd out over me
and I receiv'd that favour with Sinner Shame & bowedness
and with many Tears! <gap></gap>Thus far his Own Words.
Our dear Brothers <sic>Charactor</sic>  <corr>Character</corr> is known to the whole Congregation.
He was indeed a faithful Heart, quite in Love with the most
Fairest and Beauteous Saviour He was Legitimated as such
and we can give him the Attestation of his being a true
Liturgus. <gap></gap>He pray'd without ceasing, and made it his
real concern to Commend to our dear Lords Blessing and
Protection the increase of his Kingdom The whole Brns told