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in Lewis Thorn
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departed May 12, 1754
Lewis William was born the 22 of febr. 1746: His Father
who is at present in Wales in the Service of our Savior, gave him
in the Childrens
March 1749, from whence he came with the rest of the Children
to Yorkshire 5 years ago. Before his disorder, which began in the
month of March 1751, he was a very lively and brisk child; had a
tender Feeling of the wounded Person of our Savior, and also such a very
happy turn of mind, that his brethren give him the Testimony,
that they were able by one Word spoken in Love to manage him ac-
cording to their whole wish. 2n march 1751 He got a swelling
in his back, which after a while proved to be the 2 great Hales,
that grew worse every day, notwithstanding all what Mr. Hurlork
mer his wounds began to smell so strong, that we were obliged to
think of getting him separated from the other Children who were
greatly troubled with it; but june we had in Smithone no such
Thing as a Sick Room, we thro' the direction of Mr. Marshall found
and Mr and Sr Foulers, who took it upon themselves to home
him for a weekly Payment
conveniently to do it ourselves. This seperation from the Children
was a great grief and mortification to the little Heart, and not
much less to us, who were only forced to comply with necessity.
In these circumstances he remaind till we removed from Smithon
to Lamb hill in may 1753, when we by order from our Brn
in London as also according to our own Heart and that obliga