
Transcribe page 11

in John Church

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my Father, which was granted me, & I
arrived in London in Novr 1770. I had
not been long at home before I got a
lucrative & creditable employment.
But alas! by degrees I fell into a
lukewarm state,
& my own heart
tempting me, I gave place to the lust
of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, &
the pride of life. The enemy of my
soul taking advantage of this, threw
one bait after another in my way,
which I eagerly swallowed, not aware
of the treacherous hook. Having known
what a person should be who stands
in close connexion  connection with a people of
God & professes to walk in his ways,
& finding in myself no inclination
to do this, I thought it would be but
acting an honest part to withdraw
from the Brn's Congn & tell them I
chose no longer to walk with them.
I could not bear to act the hypocrite,
much less to bring disgrace upon a
people whom I knew to be right,
