
Transcribe Johann Christopher Pyrlaeus page 03a

in Johann Christopher Pyrlaeus

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thereby at the same time the Uncertainty of the Hour of Death,
& resolvedy to watch over my self & to be concerned
continually about my Salvation. I longed
to be acquainted with a Student, to whom I
could reveal the Situation of my Heart
but I found none to whom I could have such
a Confidence, till in June 1737, when I was became 
acquainted with one Simmich. By At his first Visit
I could lay before him my restless & about
my Salvation concerned Heart, & tell him
with what anxious Exercises & Resolutions
I had tired myself, to betrid of Sin & become assured 
of the Grace of God. He replied: Dear Sir,
On this Way you will not find Rest for your
troubled Soul. You must as a Sinner, who has
deserved Curse & Damnation come with all
your misery come to Jesus Christ, the Saviour
of the Sinners & This Man was to me a 
Messenger of the Grace of the Gospel, & by
him I came also into Acquaintance, with 
the other awakened Students, who were in
Connexion Connection together. I read now the New
Testament a-new, & was thereby powerfully

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convinced of theis Truth, & prayed to our Saviour,
to reveal to me by his holy Spirit his great
Work of Redemption. From that Time he let
me find Grace in his Blood. In Sept. Br.
Martin Dober made a Journey came by Way of through Lipsick to Iena
My open hearted Conversation with him, & his
Compassion with my vain Efforts, were blessed
to my Heart. Returning from Iena he related
us of the Awakening & the happy Course of the
Students in Iena, & gave me Advice, to visit
there, which I did in October, & was received
with much Love. The Conversations with the
Brethren Johannes, Molther, Lauterbach &c.
& some ascetick Lessons of Mr Brumhardt A.M. proved
to my Heart great Comfort, & I returned
very much strengthened to Lipsick, where I in the
Year 1738 had yet more Occasion, to grow
in the Knowledge of my self & of Jesus Christ.
I had till now gone but once in Lipsick gone to 
the Lords Supper, because I thought myself
unworthy of it, but now I enjoyed it with
6 Brn to a real Strengthening of my
Faith. In May I made a Visit in Herrnhut
