
Transcribe page 08

in Esther Steeman

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[?] all my impatience, my dear Lord & Savior
gave me to feel his peace in a rich measure; that
I could converse with as familiarly as one friend
with another. In 1747 Br. & Sr. Grasman went 
to the Synod at Herrnhaag, and I wrote a Letter
begging permission to come to the Congn. My late
dear Husband John Agidius Steeman was upon
a visit at the Synod with the same intention:
He was the Danish Governor of Helgeland: but
had been for many years in connexion  connection with the
Brns. Congn., and had a house in Pilgerruh.
where he counted it a pleasure to lodge the Brn &
rs on their Journies  Journeys to & from Livonia, & where
he & his family lived, whenever their circumstances
allowed it, until the Congn. was removed from
thence. He had likewise constantly had a Br. and 
Sr. from the Congn. residing with him at Helgeland
Now he was become a Widower, his only Child
was in the Congn., and he wished to be dismissed
from his office, in order to be able to retire to the
Congn. at Hernhaag, The proposal was made to 
him to marry me, if it should meet with his
approbation; but he not being able to resolve upon
it immeadiatelty  immediately, it was [?] till the following
year, when it was proposed to me by Br. & Sr.
