
Transcribe page 34

in Sarah Christiana Nichols

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Sisters House. and met with a hearty recepti=
=on from all my former associates, particularly
my Dear Sister which excited gratitude and
"What shall I render unto the Lord
"for all His benefits!" The following day I had the
favor to celebrate the solemn festival of the 13th
of November
with the Congregation. It was a day 
I never can forget, nor can I describe what pas=
=sed within my breast:
Suffice it to say, that a
sense of the Lord's mercies to one of the most un=
=worthy was so overwhelming, that my senses
were confounded with amazement and Joy.

"Shame and wonder, joy, and love;
"These at once possessed my mind;
"That I e'er so vile should prove,
"And yet, forgiveness find!
I now had to set out in life upon new ground.
My whole maintainance, with a very trifling ex=
=ception, must depend upon my own hands,
which had not been the case before, and which
with my state of health, liable to continual inter=
=ruptions, and always delicate, I knew would
be no easy task; and would subject me to ma=
=ny deprivations, which my constitution and
disposition were but little calculated to sustain.
and in the sequel, these circumstances caused me
many a heavy hour. Indeed, I may remark here,
that my frequent ill health was, in these years,
