
Transcribe page 04

in Sarah Christiana Nichols

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Father to remove me from this irksome
situation as soon as possible, which no
doubt was his wish, as well as mine;
and to my inexpressible joy, I obtained leave
to live in the Sisters Choir House in Tytherton,
and went thither July 19th. 1776. being then
only in the 10th Year of my age. A new pe=
=riod now commenced with me, I esteemed
it a favor to be in a habitation which I
looked upon as dedicated to the Lord, and
to have the privilege of attending so many meet=
=ings. Our Savior was pleased to manifest
Himself to my heart in a distinguished man=
=ner: I could in simplicity spread all my
wants before Him, and received many assu=
=rances of His love and mercy. I delighted
to converse with my companions upon
these subjects
, and to describe what passed
in my soul. I often longed and prayed for
some divine intimation that my individu=
=al petitions were heard by our Savior, and
He condescended to satisfy me in this respect,
in so various and striking a manner, as
never to be forgotten: it excites at this mo=
=ment sensations of gratitude wonder and
. After I had began -O had I but 
