
Transcribe page 20

in Johanna Eleonora Benade

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and be with Christ the former the better; but me
with less took care, to settle all her matters &
to care for me to the very last day.
Having gone thro' so much sickness [????],
she [???] shot her last illness wou'd be so much
the shorter. But this not being the case, she was
at times very much distressed, y[??] above[?] it in
[?????] about it. However she departed[??]
to our Savior in prayer and begged me some-
times to pray in fellowship with her, whereby
she was remarkably refreshed & comforted. She
resigned herself from time to time into the
will of the Lord & only intocated[?] Him, to write
g[???] her pains and to grant her the [????]
patience, which he also did in mercy. Some-
times she would beg for aword of comfort
suitable to her circumstances, and whenshe
opened the Text - or Hymnbook, she would
get such striking and suitable [???] that
she was filled with joy. Her illness having
much resemblance to that of the late Sister
Louise von Hayer, she desired to have her
life and particularly the latter part read to
her several times and desired also [???] [???]
much comfort, rejoicing in the [???] [???]
[???] whenever she reacted a [???] [???]
of her illness.
