
Transcribe page 14

in Johanna Eleonora Benade

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circumstances and trials of our faith, and in all
this our wise Leader seemed to have the perfecting
of our late Sister for her eternal rest principally
in view. But a few days and nights of hers
during this period were free from pain & af-
fliction, and every rising hope was soon blasted
again. At times she appeared to herself as
appointed for trouble and I myself was inclined
to think the same. But the Lord was with
her in all her tribulations and his comforts
refreshed her Soul daily and richly, so that
she could sometimes forget her misery en-
tirely and heartily rejoice in God her Savior.
Her greatest distress was that her continual
ailments prevented her attending her office
in the Cong.n agreeably to her wishes. She did
however what she could according to the gift
and grace imported to her, and it was of
great comfort for her to enjoy ev'ry where
the love of the Brethren and SIsters.
After having served the Cong.n at Neusaly
4 Years and the Cong.n at Gnadenfrey one
Year during the Synod, we were called to
London, where we arrived June 5th 1790.
Having always lived in the Country, she
found it very difficult to accustom herself
