
Transcribe page 27

in George Francke

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week there, to much mutual satisfaction, and blessing,
they both conducted me to the Ferry boat, and my dr
said at parting, "From this moment I will trouble
myself about nothing in this world, but how I may
experience more of the love of Jesus in my heart.
Her husband was of the same mind, and a few weeks
after I heard, that they were both gone happily to
our Saviour. I went from my Sister's house by way
of Christiansfeld to the Synod in Barby, which
proved in many aespects  aspects a great blessing to me;
On my return I went to Alsatia, and visited my
dear late dr wife's relations, among whom I found 
several who loved our Saviour with sincerity, and
having spent among them as much time as I
could spare to mutual satisfaction, I returned
and arrived safe again at London in the month
of November the same year; and the following spring
we went according to our new appointment,
at the Synod, to Fulneck, to serve that dear
Congn, and to have again the care of the two
Childn's Oeconomies  Economies, and arrived there on March
the 24
th 1776, March 29th 1784, it pleased our
dear Lord to take away my faithful and beloved
wife into her eternal rest, after a long and pain
-ful illness, which was a very affecting loss to me. 
