
Transcribe page 23

in George Francke

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now like one, who was come home again from a dang-
erous voyage into safety, after having been very near
cast away; As our Saviour is always pleased to bring good
out of evil wherever he can, he also turned this bad 
affair to a great blessing for me, by bringing me out of my
anxious and legal course, and making it clear to me,
that I might at all times come to him as a poor helpless
sinner, with all my misery, and enjoy peace, comfort and
happiness in Him and his bloody atonement,
not in 
proportion (according to my former selfrighteous notions)
to my feeling more or less of my sinfulness) but only and
alone for the sake of his atoning blood, shed for me as
a sinner, whereby he saves me freely. For this great
grace and mercy, I shall thank and praise him to
all eternity. Having served in the Children's Oeconomyies  Economies
and the Pedigogium in Lindheim, Marienborn, and
Hennersdorf for 9 years to a great blessing for my own
heart. In the year 1757, I got a Call to go to England, to
have the care of the Boys Oeconomy  Economy then in Smithhouse
in Yorkshire, where I arrived in August and in 1753 I
moved with the same to Fulneck. In April 1755 I was
married to my first wife, the widow Sister Anna Hagen,
[illegible] and appointed to have the care of the
Congn at Fulneck, together with both the Oeconomies  Economies of
Boys and Girls. The first Daughter of this marriage
