
Transcribe page 16

in Anna Rosina Church

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I cannot visit the Brn & Srs in their
houses, but our Saviour knows how
often I have prayed for them, that he
may give them every needful gift &
blessing, & He, I am sure, will not put
my confidence in him to shame."
Our beloved Mother was in the habit
of saying with respect to herself, "I am
no longer of any use here below, what
can I do." We reminded her that she
could still in her retirement from
active service, pray to the Lord on our
behalf & that of others. "Oh yes," she said,
"I always remember you all." It was
evident from many things that her
prayers were not confined to us, they em-
braced the whole human race, the
whole Church of God on earth. But,
being most firmly attached to the Church
of the Brn, when the Lord had mani-
fested Himself in a saving manner
to her soul, & in which she had spent
50 years in active service, it is no
wonder that the cause of God there was
most frequently the theme of her
