
Transcribe Heinrich Friedrich (Henry Frederick) Cossart page 05

in Heinrich Friedrich (Henry Frederick) Cossart

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of this Outpost; but he advised them to bak  back to
Turin & get there Leave, & they instead to give
'em Leave, sent them a Order which route they
have to take on their return home again.
Ao. 1745. Our Br. ventured a second time to visite  visit
the Valeys  Vallies, he toock  took his route through France, &
by that means visited Lion, Orange, Marseille, Nimes
every where of them Places he wittnesses of the 
Power of the Blood of Christ & found especialy  especially at Marseille
& Nimes hungry Hearts to hear the Gospel of their
Redemptions which he deliverd  delivered wth. great Freedom.
By this Occassion he had the Pleasure to met  meet Br.
at Marseille on his retour from Algier
& was to him of real Service. From thence he
proceedeth & was on his Road wonderfully preserved
by our Saviour, then as he was walking in the
dark of Night over a shmal Bridge fell down
a Story high on a whole Bank of Steep Rocks
without any Damage. In the Month of April
left France & carryed  carried on his Journey ove Genua
Turin & Susa & arrived happily into the Valleys  Vallies.
He was aquainted  acquainted that there were about 5000
People in the Valleys  Vallies & had 13 Preachers among
them, with whom our Br. made himself aquainted  acquainted
& brought them the good Tidings of our dear
Serviours  Saviour's Redemption & Bloodshed & of the 
rightiousness of a poor Sinner before God by his
                                                    Blood & Suffering

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Blood & Suffering & so remaineth with them 10 Days.
After that he return'd over the high & rough Moun_
tain Se Col de la Croix
, who is taken inpassable
& was the same Time covered wth. Shnow  Snow, never-
theless there was a Watch kept of 40 Men at the very
Top of the Mountain but out Sav.r caused it, that
they saw neither him or his Guide. On this Top
he prostrated himself in the Shnow  Snow before our Sav.r
towards the Valleys  Vallies & recomanted them once more
to the Mercy of our Saviour. On the other Side
of the Mountain was again a French Watch, but
went happely  happily in a near Town where they kept a
Marked; & so our Br. luckely  luckily passd the Simits
& arrived in France again. He witnesseth in France
on several Places, but from Arvies he was con_
ducted by 4 Soldiers, however they did not deter
him but let him go in Peace, & so he arrived
by way of Geneve, Lausanne, after a thousend  thousand
Dangers happily at Montmirail again.
Ao. 1745 he came from Montmirail to Mariendorn
& was there at the End of the Synod ordained Deacon
of the Brethren Church, & from thence he got a Call
for England. He made a tour to Herrnhuth, Silesie
Polonie, where he made a Visite  Visit to Bishop Sitkovies
from thence over Berlin, Hamburg, Zeist to London.
Here he was so happy as to negotiate the Pensilvanien_
